The Two Saints meet – Biography Saint Kanwarram

The Two Saints meet – Biography Saint Kanwarram
When Mahatma Gandhi, during the quiet India movement came to Sukkur, Saint Kanwarram was also invited for the meeting at Sukkur. There were thousands and thousands of people to hear Gandhiji, the ‘Saint of Sabarmati and Sewagram’ and a politician. There was a lot of hustle and bustle and noise from the audience. So the organizers asked Kanwarram for a ‘Bhajan’. As soon as Kanwarram got up there was a pin drop silence amazingly by the spiritual spell and divine grace of Saint Kanwarram and then Gandhiji started his speech. People heard Gandhiji in a rapt attention. In the end Gandhiji talked about wearing of ‘Khadi’. He started with the note that what I am going to talk about – your Kanwarram is already wearing it. Kanwarram used to wear ‘Khaddar’ (hand woven rough cloth) a ‘Kurta’, a ‘Dhoti’, ‘Pagri’ on head and Sindhi ‘Juti’ (shoes). This example of wearing ‘Khadi’ by Kanwarram and powerful appeal by Mahatma Ghandhi pierced into the ears and hearts of people and thousands people started wearing ‘Khadi’ afterwards and thus was the first and last meeting of two Saints Kanwarram and Mahatma Gandhi.
“Give me a knowledge that is fertile
in performance for theories,
without effects are but nothings in
the dress of things”.
Thomas Vaughan
When Kanwarram was shot dead his blood soaked dress that a ‘Kurta’ made of ‘Khadi’, ‘Dhoti’ made of ‘Khadi’ and his ‘Pagri’ (turban) and the ‘Juti’ (shoes) are kept in the house of Khemchand Jethwani at Khar, Bombay. Khemchand was a staunch devotee of Saint Kanwarram.