Thread Ceremony – Biography Sain Kanwarram

Thread Ceremony – Biography Sain Kanwarram
It is customary ritual and a holy rite to perform thread ceremony of the male child in the Hindu families. It is necessary for a Hindu. The significance of this thread ceremony is that Guru, father or mother can give the Mantra especially ‘Gayatri Mantra’ to the child to remember and recite only at this ceremony. The thread ceremony makes the child a duty bound. It removes the fear from child makes him a soldier, a fighter to face the trials and tribulations of the world to fight for Dharma and righteousness. If the son’s thread ceremony not performed, perchance his father or mother dies, he cannot perform the last rites, he is not supposed to light the pyre without sacred thread. He is not a Brahamin or holy person if he is not having sacred threads ceremony performed. The ideal age at which the thread ceremony is to perform is between 8-10 years, as it inculcates good Sanskaras, character, and obedience to father and mother and he gets a true sign of a true Hindu.
Saint Satramdas invited the father and mother of Kanwarram for this very important function of thread ceremony. All the relatives were also invited.
The thread ceremony of Kanwarram performed at the holy Samadhi Tomb of Saint Khotaram at ‘Vadyu Deveryoon’ (great Samadhi – Tomb) at Raharki Sahib. Swami Satramdas muttered and uttered some words before the Samadhi and suddenly a long thread emanated and appeared from the right side of the Samadhi (Tomb) which Satramdas took and used as the sacred thread for Kanwar and thus the thread ceremony of Saint Kanwarram performed under the blessings of Saint Khotaram, Satramdas and parents of Kanwar. It was an occasion of joy and happiness.
“I am the Kratu, I the Yajna, I the Svadha, I the Aushadha, I the Mantra, I the Ajya, I the fire and I the oblation.”
– Gita IX, 16