At Holy shrine of Raharki – Biography Sain Kanwarram

At Holy shrine of Raharki – Biography Sain Kanwarram
Saint Satramdas assured the parents of Kanwarram, go home and rest in peace Kanwar is in safe hands. From that day, Kanwar made his abode in the temple of Bhagat Satramdas just as Ramkrishna Paramhansa left his birthplace at Kamarpurkur and resided at Dakshniswer Temple.
Rabindranath Tagore says, “He who does good comes to the temple gate, he who loves reaches the shrine.”
Thus, Kanwar grew under the world of wonders and spell the service ‘bhava’ (worship) brought a true transformation in him. He learnt the daily duties and regulations of Raharki Darbar under the ablest guidance of Satramdas. Satramdas would love and treat Kanwar more than his own issues. Kanwar was the future spiritual heir of Satramdas. Kanwar also served his Guru more than his father and mother. He considered his Guru as God. He dedicated and devoted himself to the holy feet of his perfect Master.
“In whatever way men worship me, in the same way do I fulfill their desires. (It is) my path, O son of Pritha (that) men tread in all ways” – Gita IV-II
Raharki is a small village in Taluka Ubaro district Sukkur. The main station nearby is ‘Daharki”. The village situated on the bank of a big canal known as ‘Naro wah’ (wah means canal or river). At the outskirts of the village, the Darbar or Devri Sahib or the Holy Shrine of Saint Khotaram and Satramdas is situated. The house cum Ashram is a huge building with huge verandah and attached rooms for guests and a ‘Gaooshala’ (cow protection home). The Devary or Sanctorum is situated in the midst of the Ashram nearby is the well from which the water is supplied to the Ashram mates. There is a separate toilet and bathrooms for the women and gents and there is separate room built for the Brahamin or Pujari. The population in those days was only in few thousands. Now due to migration of Hindus from the village after partition of 1947, the population of Hindus is only in hundreds. However, on certain occasions and birthday and death anniversaries Hindus throng from the nook places of Saints are living spiritual vibratory stores, which naturally attract the people by the strong electro magnetic waves people come and get solace and peace of mind at these places having holy and spiritual vibrations collected by ‘Bhakt’i (deep devotion).
“And that Supreme Purusha is attainable, O son of Pritha, by whole hearted devotion to Him alone in whom all beings dwell and by whom all this is pervaded”.
– Gita VIII-22