Cobra of Wealth – Biography Sain Kanwarram

Cobra of Wealth – Biography Sain Kanwarram
Ramkrishna Paramahansa denounces “Kamini and Kanchan” that is ‘sex lust and money’. The greatest hindrance that put in the way of ‘Bhakti’ (devotion to God) is attraction of the form and figure, the beauty and the allurement of the gold. Real Saints always try to avoid these things. Christ says, ‘give, distribute out all what you have and follow me’. Why one should avoid all these things? It is an unpleasant fact that greatest pleasure on earth is that of sex and the money including the sex provides all the comforts of life. That’s why we say ‘money is God of the world’ ‘Money is the Lord of Maya’. Ramkrishna married Shardha. Once she came to Dakneshwar. They occupied the same room. Not only that but the same cot. Ramkrishna asked Shardha and explained his mission of life – to achieve God. In the night when on bed, he absorbed himself in the thought. I see ‘Mother Kali’ in Shardha also. He went into Samadhi and saw Mother Kali in Shardha. Henceforth they lived together but no conjugal relations and thus he perfected the control over sex lust. Vivekananda himself observed in the night sitting on the top of the room of Ramkrishna and satisfied himself the authenticity of his Guru.
Ramkrishna also never touched money. He had developed perfect renunciation about the gold, the money. Even a touch of coin would disturb him! Once Vivekananda experimented and tested his Guru’s renunciation about money. He kept a coin under the bed sheet where Ramkrishna used to sleep on that. Ramkrishna could not sleep throughout the night. Vivekananda was observing all this. In the morning, Vivekananda narrated the story. Instead of getting furious Ramkrishna patted him and told him that ‘it is good that you are making spiritual experiments on the true scientific lines observation in the spiritual laboratory of Ramkrishna.’ On both above occasions, Ramkrishna was happy that his disciple is being helped in his faith to grow in his Guru.
Once it is so happened that Kanwarram went for the usual ‘Kirtan’ programs in some town. As usual he distributed all the offerings collected either cash or kind, among the needy and poor. But a lady brought a cap stitched of ‘Jari’ (gold thread) and studded with shining pearls and a golden ring. She out of devotion wanted that these are the personal presents for Kanwarram. He refused to accept the personal gifts, but with a great pressure the lady became successful that Kanwar kept these presents for himself when came back to his Guru’s place. He did not tell this episode to Saint Satramdas. Within few days it happened that Kanwarram’s sweet voice turned into a hoarse voice, even he could not speak properly. At this juncture, his Guru who did all know and all pervading Soul asked him what happened to you! And why your voice has gone hoarse? Kanwar was out of mood and he could not face his Guru told him you have done something wrong the ‘Cobra of wealth and money and gold’ has bitten your throat that’s why your vocal chords have become hoarse. Kanwarram was really ashamed. He narrated the whole story to his Guru and he sent back the cap and ring. Then his Guru forgave him, embarrassed him and even blessed him. And it is said that his voice even became more sweet and melodious after this event and episode. So one should ponder that even this Maya, the money, could not leave or affect such a Saint like Kanwarram.
On another occasion, Kanwarram was traveling from Rohari to Dahariki station. A rich devotee came with a few baskets of fruit and gave offering to Kanwar and bowed him and he went away. At each station this fruit was distributed among the devotees. To the surprise at bottom there was an envelope of money containing few thousands, the devotee had purposefully put for Kanwarram. When Kanwarram reached home he sent back the packet of money to the person concerned and with a chit ‘please don’t repeat such tricks with a Saint’. The man got ashamed and came from his place to apologize the Saint.
“Whose heart is filled with satisfaction by wisdom and realization and is changeless, whose senses are conquered and to whom a lump of earth, stone and gold is the same, that Yogi is called stead fast.”
Gita – VI – 8